Shri MB Rajesh launches ‘Dishaa’ and 'Samyojitha' at ASAP-CSP Chathanur
A one-day career guidance workshop ‘Dishaa – Paving the Right Direction’ was inaugurated by Shri M.B. Rajesh, Hon’ble Minister of Local Self-Government and Excise, at ASAP Kerala’s Community Skill Park in Chathanur, Palakkad, on November 19, 2022. On the occasion, the minister also inaugurated ‘Samyojitha’, a first-of-its-kind event hosted to bridge the LSGD departments of 14 panchayats in Thrithala Block Panchayat, Pattambi Block Panchayat and Pattambi Municipality to the concept of skilling through ASAP Kerala. The hon’ble minister met with the heads of the self-government institutions and explored the possibility of introducing the self-entrepreneurship skilling projects for women by ASAP Kerala in their respective panchayats. At the workshop, the minister reinstated the importance of skilling and career guidance to enhance the placement opportunities for the youth of the state.
Ms D Dharmalasree, Ottapalam Sub-Collector, inaugurated the ‘Work Readiness Programme’ batch at the event, which was presided over by Ms Suhra, Thirumittacode Panchayat President. Mr Paul Thomas, MD and CEO, ESAF, a small-finance bank; Lt Cdr Sajith Kumar EV (Retd.), Head-CSP (Quality & Projects), ASAP Kerala; Ms Lakshmikutty, Pattambi Municipality Chairperson; Ms Sajitha Vinod, Pattambi Block Panchayat President; Mr Manomohan, Thirumittacode Panchayat Vice President; and Ms Premalatha, Ward Member; addressed the gathering. Certificates of the recently completed ‘Work Readiness Programme’ batch were distributed to participants by Ms Marina Paul, Executive Director, ESAF.